Thursday, May 3, 2012

Concept 88 # 1

The most controversial issue at my school right now is the blocking of youtube. Many students and teachers alike feel that youtube would sincerely help their learning and teaching methods in the classroom. Others feels that it is necessary to block youtube because students would be easily distracted and therefore they would do no work.
My documentary would be about which teachers are against youtube and which ones are pro youtube.

Concept 87 # 3

If I could choose between being a pirate, an archaeologist, or an explorer, I would be an explorer. My quest would be to locate all of the ghosts in the world.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Concept 86 # 1

The most suspenseful movie I've seen is Saw. I think it is because I put myself in the movies I watch so when everybody is getting killed or stolen I think it's me. Some creative devices the movies use are not revealing who the jigsaw murderer is, and using the hooded costume with masks every time somebody is about to get stolen.

Concept 85 #2

I believe that it's better to not have loved at all. If you have never loved you don't know how to expect therefore you can be living with the curiosity without being hurt that somebody that you used to love is now gone. You can be alone by yourself and just imagine what love feels like.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Concept 84 #3

The scariest movie I've seen is the Fourth Kind. It was a type of documentary that showed the events that happened in Alaska with alien abduction. At the time it came out I went to go see it in the movie theaters and the things that scared me the most was the actual video footage, the owl that always appeared when something was about to happen, and the girl being abducted by aliens. None of these things had an actual relationship with any actual experience but the events seemed so realistic that I put myself in the movie too much and was very afraid.

Concept 83 #1

My favorite superhero is Batman. He has no real superpowers but he has skill with his stealth and power. His background of being rich has given him enough tools to built the ultimate ride and ultimate weapons.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Concept 80 # 3

The event I would choose is a graduation. Everyone that is at the graduation will be very happy and excited but their will be a group of outcasts that will ruin the entire event. The group of outcasts are mental unstable and hate everyone at the school therefore they have decided to kill everyone by strapping bombs to themselves and blowing everyone up. The other students are tested to their maximum by trying to either escape as far as they can or try to talk to the bombers to change their minds.